Lights of Hope

Plymouth South High School DECA students are once again planning and executing the 13th Annual Lights of Hope event this year.
Lights of Hope is a fundraiser benefiting Beth Israel Deaconess Plymouth Cancer Center.
Follow Lights of Hope on Facebook @Lightsofhopeply and/or Instagram @lightsofhopeplym to stay up to date with information.
Luminary Bag
Luminary bag with written messages of love, support, and remembrance will be displayed the night of the event. All funds raised will benefit the BID Cancer Center.
All bags will be displayed along the pathways of the Plimoth Grist Mill in conjunction with the tree lighting downtown.
Lights of Hope is an annual fundraising event hosted by Plymouth South Marketing. Luminary bags are displayed along the pathways of a beautiful landmark in downtown Plymouth: the Plimoth Grist Mill. Each bag is personalized by people in the community with written messages of love, support, and remembrance. All funds raised from bag sales and separate donations are donated to Beth Israel Deaconess Cancer Center.
The event dates back to 2011 when former student, Jon Jaros, proposed the idea to raise money for BID in support of his grandmother who lost her life to cancer. In 2015, Jon Jaros sadly passed away in a car accident.His brother, Jake Jaros, was a PSHS marketing student at the time. To honor his brother and grandmother, Jake and some classmates continued the tradition. The event was then expanded to honor more than just those who have passed from cancer. Jon Jaros continues to be honored to this day.
Every Wednesday in November from 6-9pm at the Plymouth Sweet Frog Location to support Lights of Hope! All money raised will benefit the Cancer Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital. 10% of all in store and online orders are included.
Checks can be made out to BID Cancer Center.