Teacher Tools
Plimoth Patuxet Museums is dedicated to providing educational resources that bring to life the history of Plymouth Colony and the Indigenous Homeland of Patuxet. Our teacher tools are carefully developed resources that will help you inspire your students to experience history in a new light.
Museum staff are skilled at weaving elements of geography, history, economics, and civics and government into the stories they tell. Studying the stories of our shared past strengthens social and emotional skills. Students understand their own life in the context of history and participate in dialogues across differences to explore how many diverse experiences and perspectives shape our past, present and future.
While a special effort has been made to align our programs with the Massachusetts History and Social Science Frameworks, the Museum’s programs and exhibits are highly relevant to national social studies standards and many state frameworks.

Thousands of teachers and students visit Plimoth Patuxet to explore early American histories and interwoven communities, investigate changing landscapes, and understand the past through immersive, hands-on experiences. Explore field trip and classroom activities that will support students’ learning before or after a field trip!

Are you taking your class on a field trip to Plimoth Patuxet Museums? Learn all you need to know to prepare your class and optimize your time on site!

Have your students played Are you the Historian: Investigating the First Thanksgiving? Explore our Teacher Toolkit which includes five primary source units that correspond to an interactive module in the game. This curated collection of oral history, archaeological artifacts, and archival documents help students explore early intercultural encounters in Patuxet (Plymouth).

Primary Sources
How do we bring history alive for today’s learners? We start with primary sources - the building blocks of history! Primary sources can include written documents, archaeology, material culture, landscapes, oral histories, artworks, and photos.

Digital Resources
Digital resources bring history alive in classrooms across the globe. Explore comprehensive multimedia sources to enliven and support your in classroom lessons.

Professional Development
Designed to excite and inspire teachers, our programs blend classroom instruction with hands-on, experiential activities and visits to the Museum’s living history sites!

National History Day
Plimoth Patuxet Museums is proud to support National History Day. We are excited to work with students and teachers on projects that explore 17th-century colonial and Indigenous history.