Pilgrim women fort meeting house service

The Light Here Kindled: Conversations

The Light Here Kindled Conversations

The short films of The Light Here Kindled series are just the beginning of exploring the ideas and beliefs that were central to the people who lived, traded, worked, and worshiped along these historic shores of change in the 17th-century. Like so many events in history, their impact is woven into regional, national, and global moments that transpired before, during, and after their lived experiences. Examining them sparks thought-stirring conversations about the world around us today.

There's More Than the King James Bible

Join Deputy Executive Director and Chief Historian Richard Pickering as he explores the history and significance of Bibles printed for English readers during the 16th and 17th Centuries. From the Geneva Bible to the King James Bible, Pickering explores the history of these texts that help us to gain a perspective on the world of the Pilgrims.

Relax, No One Gets Out of Here Alive

Join Deputy Executive Director and Chief Historian Richard Pickering in conversation as he explore the doctrine of predestination - the belief that the ultimate fate of a person's soul was written in stone by God - and how the Pilgrims achieved peace when contemplating the great hereafter.

The Light Here Kindled Films

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