Plimoth Patuxet Trustees deliver an address on the pier before Mayflower II.

Board of Trustees

Board Service Matters

As a Trustee, your meaningful support and thoughtful leadership would make waves of impact for the Museum. Your dedication and commitment in service of Plimoth Patuxet’s educational mission would matter and would touch lives nationally and internationally.

“There is something inside us that longs for some calling that requires dedication and sacrifice.” - David Brooks, The Second Mountain

Board of Trustees

Stephen Brodeur, Chair

David Pokross Jr., Vice Chair

Jonathan Bitting, Treasurer

Anne Warren, Secretary


Catherine Brawer

Richard Thaler

Gale Fitzgerald

Barbara Weidlich

Peter Frame

Stephen Willard

Breton Hornblower

Steven Williams

Ted Hubbard

Cedric Woods

Honorary Trustees

Catherine Allgor

Therese Murray

Rita Coolidge

Nathaniel Philbrick

Lady Margaret Greta Griffiths

Rose Styron

Douglas Hart

Richard Walton

K. Prescott Low

Museum Council

Laurance V. Allen

Robert A. Graff

Keith A. Quinn

Margery Atherton

Col. Frank W. Harris III

Jane Reardon

Michael Aylward

Eric W. Hayden

David Robinson

Andra Bolotin

David Hobson

Charlotte Russell

Benjamin Bramhall

Henry Hornblower IV

Richard Ryan

Drew Brosseau

Ralph Hornblower

David Smith

Mary Brown

Richard Hornblower

Geoffrey T. Stewart

Michael Carr

Carlo Lamagna

Ryan Taliaferro

Pamela Carr

Ruth Gardner Lamere

David Thorpe

Tony Chamberlain

David Landon

Albert Tousignant

Terry Conners

Allan McBee

Charles F. Vandini Sr.

Robert Cozzone

Virginia Mucciaccio

Nancy Williams

Lea Filson

Virginia Murray

John Winslow

Thomas F. Gloster III

Keith J. Pratt

David Goss

Donald P. Quinn