Grain Fest Success

Plimoth Patuxet Museums was pleased to debut Grain Fest, a new outdoor festival that took place at the Plimoth Grist Mill® on Sunday, November 10th, celebrating local grains, history, and community.

A girl grinds corn

Plimoth Grist Mill® is Plimoth Patuxet's reproduction of the Plymouth Colonists’ original 1636 grain mill on Town Brook and a working corn-grinding mill. Proud to be part of a growing movement to localize grain production, Plimoth Grist Mill® welcomed farmers, millers, bakers, and the Plymouth community to the Mill and beautiful Jenney Pond Park for the inaugural Grain Fest on November 10th.

Grain Fest was a wonderful opportunity to bring together members of the grain chain and spotlight local grains in all their complexity.

A mother watches her two daughters grind corn in a miniature mill.
Outdoor crowd at Grain Fest.

With a local foods market, hands-on educational activities, live music by The Shady Roosters, and fun grain games, Grain Fest proved to be a family friendly event for people of all ages.

Grains and Gratitude

The Museum is grateful to the Educators at the Mill for their hard work in organizing Grain Fest and for the farmers, millers, bakers, and more who came together to support this educational event.

Exhibitors, Music, and Activities

The Shady Roosters perform at Grain Fest.

Food and Drink

Plimoth Grist Mill Educator gives sample baked good to a father holding his young daughter.
A guest at Grain Fest speaks with a participating exhibitor.
Plimoth Grist Mill Educator shows dried corn to two young girls as their mother watches.
Three guests at Grain Fest.
A woman pets a dog at Grain Fest.

Everyday is Grain Fest in Plymouth

Plimoth Patuxet’s millers fulfill actual orders for sampe (grits), cornmeal, flour, and other grains. These items are available to be shipped across the county. Local restaurants in Plymouth and throughout coastal Massachusetts incorporate the grains into their dishes, and the Museum is proud to be a part of their culinary offerings year round.