Our 77th Annual Meeting
On Friday, May 17th, members of Plimoth Patuxet's Board of Trustees and Museum Council gathered with patrons at 2024's Annual Meeting and Luncheon at the Peabody Pavilion.
Plimoth Patuxet is ever grateful to the Trustees, Museum Council members, and supporters who were part of this year's 77th Annual Meeting luncheon and presentation. Gathering in the Peabody Pavilion, all were welcomed with notes of spring and history in full bloom to celebrate the accomplishments of the Museum's educational mission throughout the past year, and elect the slate of Officers, Trustees, and Committees for the upcoming year.
Following the luncheon and business meeting, guests were invited to tour the historic sites and experience Plimoth Patuxet's award-winning programs.
Are you interested in attending the Annual Meeting in 2025? If so, email the Development Office at development@plimoth.org. We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about it.