Around Town
Plimoth Patuxet is located in the beautiful coastal town of Plymouth, Massachusetts. This picturesque seaside destination offers a memorable New England getaway for either a day trip or an extended vacation.
Discover America's earliest foundations as you travel back in time at Plimoth Patuxet and Mayflower II, then visit some of the most historic houses, museums, and monuments in Massachusetts — including the statue of Massasoit and the legendary Plymouth Rock, known as the "Landing Place of the Pilgrims." Enjoy the beautiful beaches, a whale watch adventure, deep-sea fishing, or a harbor cruise. Visiting in the fall? You'll love the spectacular foliage of a New England autumn and the crimson beauty of a cranberry bog harvest. There’s also wonderful shopping, antiquing, golfing, and an impressive selection of lodging and restaurants! Plymouth, Massachusetts is a destination for all seasons and we're eager to welcome you.

Plymouth is just a 45 minute drive from Boston, 15 minutes to Cape Cod, and a short driving distance to the Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard ferries.
Things to do in Plymouth, Massachusetts
For more information on lodging in and around Plymouth, we also recommend SeePlymouth.com.
Located at Plimoth Patuxet Museums, Plimoth Cinema offers the best in first-run, foreign, and independent film on the South Shore. Plimoth Cinema showings are nightly, with two showings (4:30 pm. & 7:00 p.m.) seven days a week. Get a discount on tickets to Plimoth Cinema by becoming a member. Not a member yet? Join now!
Museums & Historic Houses
- Pilgrim Hall Museum
- General Society of Mayflower Descendants - Museum House
- Destination Plymouth County - Historic Houses & Societies
- Plymouth Antiquarian Society
Children's Activities
Parks, Gardens & Beaches
- Hornblower Garden, Plimoth Patuxet Museums
- Brewster Gardens, Water Street, Plymouth
- Pilgrim Memorial State Park (Plymouth Rock), Water Street, Plymouth
- National Monument to the Forefathers
- Plymouth Long Beach
- GATRA - Public transportation in Plymouth, www.gatra.org
- America’s Hometown Trolley – Seasonal public transportation in Plymouth, www.visit-plymouth.com/shuttle.htm
- MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority) - Regional transportation to Plymouth requiring connecting transportation to Plimoth Plantation and the tourism district, www.mbta.com
- Zip Car – Car sharing, member organization, www.zipcar.com
- MOTT (Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism) – Tourism bureau for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, www.massvacation.com
- Destination Plymouth – Regional tourism bureau for Plymouth County attractions, food, lodging, and other amenities, www.visit-plymouth.com
- Plymouth County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau – Another source of information on Plymouth County attractions, food, lodging, and other amenities, www.seeplymouth.com
- Greater Boston Convention and Visitor’s Bureau – Tourism bureau for the Greater Boston region, www.bostonusa.com
- Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce – Regional tourism bureau for Cape Cod and the islands of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, www.capecodchamber.org
- PlymouthAncestors.org – A collaboration between Plimoth Plantation and New England Historic Genealogical Society providing genealogical information on the inhabitants of 17th-century Plymouth, plymouthancestors.org
- ALHFAM (Association of Living History Farms and Agricultural Museums) – International organization supporting museums and institutions featuring experiential interpretations of history, www.alhfam.org
- NEMA (New England Museum Association) – Serving the museum community of New England, www.nemanet.org